Benefits of Using Acupuncture Before and After Surgery

May 20, 2019

Originating in China thousands of years ago, acupuncture is a healing practice which involves the use of needles to prick the skin for the purpose of alleviating pain. Over the years, many have used it to treat a variety of ailments such as anxiety, chronic pain, headaches, and even to promote weight loss. Due to its numerous healing and pain-relieving impacts, it is especially beneficial for those who are about to undergo or are recovering from surgery.

Discover the many benefits of using acupuncture before and after surgery.

Reduces scarring

Acupuncture increases blood flow to injured areas of the body, which helps break down scar tissue and adhesions. As a result, the procedure helps reduce injury recovery time and decreases the appearance of surgical scars.

Reduced inflammation

One of the most notable benefits of using acupuncture before and after surgery is its ability to reduce inflammation. By stimulating acupuncture trigger points, it encourages fresh blood to flow freely through previously congested areas of the body. This, in turn, reduces swelling. In addition, acupuncture may further help decrease inflammation by triggering the pituitary gland to release the anti-inflammatory hormone, cortisol.

Acupuncture eases pain

It is a popular belief that acupuncture can reduce discomfort and irritation by triggering the body to release natural painkillers such as endorphins and serotonin. As such, acupuncture may be a safer and more natural alternative to painkillers which can be addictive or have other adverse health effects.

It relieves stress

Undergoing surgery can be very mentally and physically stressful. Fortunately, acupuncture therapy can help reduce stress levels in individuals who receive the calming procedure. Reducing stress can help the body recover in many other ways by helping you get a better night’s sleep, alleviate headaches, and ease anxiety.

To start receiving the many health benefits of acupuncture in Libertyville, IL, you can book a treatment session at the Libertyville Wellness Center today.