Libertyville Chiropractor
Welcome to Libertyville Wellness Group
Located in Chicago’s North Shore, Libertyville is a community of unsurpassed beauty. With its numerous lakes, forest preserves, trails, and golf courses, residents are committed to making healthcare a priority and wellness a lifestyle. Libertyville Wellness Group is dedicated to enriching the lives of the people living in the surrounding area through its wellness care. Our experienced chiropractor in Libertyville, IL, will have you feeling better in no time!
Reasons People Consult Our Libertyville Chiropractor:
- Chronic Back, Neck Pain, and Headaches
- Pain in Knees, Elbows, Wrists, Shoulders
- Conditions Following an Accident or Injury
- Maintenance and Prevention
- Natural Drug Free Health Care
- Diet and Nutrition
- Hip, Knee, Ankle Pain
- Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain
- Numbness, Tingling
- Migraines
What Our Clinic Offers:
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Exercise Therapy
- Graston, Active Release Technique
- Electrical Muscle Stimulation
- Muscle Therapy
- Personalized Weight Loss Programs (click here to know more)
Whether you need pain relief or a wellness plan for increasing the overall quality of your health, Libertyville Wellness Group is the place to come. Our doctors are dedicated to providing personal care for every patient.
Call Libertyville Wellness Group at (847) 996-0007 today for your appointment. You don’t need a referral from a medical doctor or anyone else to begin chiropractic care at our office.
Our knowledgeable staff can field most questions over the telephone. If you want to explore a concern more privately, just ask for a consultation with our Libertyville chiropractor. Find out for yourself what living well-adjusted through chiropractic and wellness care is all about.