Physical Therapy Exercises to Do at Home

Jul 29, 2019

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “In 2016, an estimated 20.4% of U.S. adults had chronic pain and 8.0% of U.S. adults had high-impact chronic pain.” If you’re one of the many people experiencing such pain, receiving physical therapy may help. In addition to reduced pain, some of the many benefits of this treatment method include strengthened muscles, increased flexibility, and quicker recovery from injuries.

Physical therapy is a great way to help restore function and movement in your body. However, if you can only make it to a limited number of treatment sessions, continue practicing your training at home. This can help you maintain the progress that you made with your therapist. Discover some great physical therapy exercises to do at home.

For strength:

Strength exercises can help decrease your chances of repetitive strain injuries and increase your overall functional mobility. Simple strengthening exercises that you can do at home include bridges, clamshells, and forearm planks.


To begin the bridge exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor close to your buttocks. Then slowly raise your pelvis by squeezing your gluteal muscles. Once your body is in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders, hold this position for around five to ten seconds and then slowly lower yourself down.


Begin the clamshell exercise by lying on your side and resting your head on your arm. Bend your knees slightly and raise your thigh while keeping your ankles together. You should feel the effort in your thigh and buttock. Then slowly lower your leg back down and repeat for 10 to 20 times on both sides.

Forearm planks

Forearm planks involve lying on your stomach and resting on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders. Then lift your waist off the floor by tightening your abdominals until you form a straight line from your neck to your knees. Hold the pose for around ten to fifteen seconds and then lower your body back down to the floor.

For flexibility:

Improving flexibility is essential for regaining full range of motion and preventing future injury. Exercises that can help improve flexibility include piriformis stretching, standing hip flexors, and the towel shoulder rotation stretch.

Piriformis stretches

The piriformis stretch begins by lying on your back with bent knees and your feet flat on the floor. Then cross one ankle over your opposite knee and pull your thigh towards your chest. This motion will help stretch your hip, thigh, and glutes. Hold the stretch for around 40 seconds and then relax.

Standing hip flexors

To perform standing hip flexors, face a sturdy chair or bench. Then place one foot on the seat and shift your hips forward. The leg planted on the floor should experience a stretch in the hip and calf. Hold the stretch for around 40 seconds and then release.

Shoulder rotation stretch

The towel shoulder rotation stretch will involve holding a long towel or strap in one hand and draping it over your shoulder. Then reach behind your back and grip the lower end of the towel. Gently pull the towel up which will result in a stretching sensation in the front or side of your shoulder. Hold this position for a few seconds and then release.

Before starting an at-home exercise regime, talk to a trained physical therapist about which stretches and exercises are right for you. Our dedicated and experienced physical therapists at Libertyville Wellness Group can help you reduce pain, increase flexibility, improve mobility, and reduce your risk of future injury. In addition to physical therapy, we also offer chiropractic services, massage therapy, weight loss programs, and acupuncture in Libertyville, IL.